The American military cemetery at Colleville sur Mere is the famous one, the one featured in the opening and close of
Saving Private Ryan. It consolidated a number of temporary cemeteries, including ones at Saint Mere Eglise and La Cambe. This first photo is of the graves of Theodore Roosevelt Jr and his brother Quentin.
Quentin was a Lieutenant in the 95th Aero Squadron in WWI; his grave was moved to be next to his brothers after WWII. Theodore was a Brigadier General and Assistant Division Commander of the 4th Infantry Division, and landed in the first wave on Utah Beach on D-Day. That wave landed well east of its intended location, and had the potential to be come a real disaster. Roosevelt dealt with it so effectively that he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor and tabbed for promotion to Division Commander. He died of a heart attack a little over a month later, though, before he could take command of a division.
This next photo is of the grave of Lieutenant General Leslie McNair.
McNair was the commander of Army Ground Forces, based in the US and in charge of all training. He was in Europe observing, in anticipation of taking on a major command in the ETO. He was killed by Allied bombs which fell short at the beginning of Operation Cobra.
Most Americans don't really think about it, but there are German cemeteries in the area as well. When the US consolidated, the Germans took over the site of one of the US temporary cemeteries, and their principal cemetery in Normandy may be found at La Cambe: